Monday, April 27, 2015


What a surprise today was, I headed back to yesterday morning area and had incredible marks on the machine, We anchored up. I put my boots on rite away figuring it was gonna get messy. We waited for the mayhem to begin and we waited and waited and nothing happened. I pulled anchor and went looking I stopped on a small mark and we caught a few shorts then the current stopped and so did the fish. To make a long story short there were plenty of fish around according to the fish finder,but we couldn't get a bite going. I heard many boats complaining about the same thing. We had a slow pick on one drop but only shorts were coming up. We did have a few fish on and guys came back with no hooks, Bluefish, I'm not sure but one thing is for sure one of them was a big one. Its a little early for the Blues but who knows we didn't see them. We will see what tomorrow brings.
                             See you then, Capt. Rob

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