Tuesday, April 16, 2019

SEA HUNTER TUESDAY 4-16 HOLY STRIPERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday was great fishing, so I'm not sure what word to use for today. I have been doing this over 30 years and have seen lots of great days but today was in the top ten maybe even in the top five. It was crazy out there Myself and the two deckhands netting fish 10-15 on at a time on a few occasions. We were throwing fish back at 9:30.I'm not sure how many we threw back but if I was to guess it would be around 200 keepers. Greg from Staten Island  kept count and he hooked 19 keepers. There was around ten shorts but most of the fish were in the teens and twenties, The pool winner went 26 lbs. and was caught by Mike Casale from Dingmans ferry PA. It was a pleasure out there I was the only party boat and there were around 10 charter boats, all professionals with no weekend warriors driving around like maniacs putting the fish down. We went up on the drifts slow (because we could) not spooking the fish and set up on nice long drifts. The only downfall was there weren't many people today. Tomorrow is another day. We will see what happens.
See you soon I hope, Capt. Rob

Mike Casale with the 26 lber

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