Friday, August 17, 2018


Holy Fluke!!!  The channels as of now are loaded with Fluke fattening up and getting ready to head out. we didn't have the amount of keepers we had yesterday, we did have one fellow with three keepers but most just caught and released. A couple guys told me they had 30 plus shorts. The pool winner was 4.5 lbs. The rig of choice is a plain hook with a gulp or a gulp and spearing combo. Those plastic skirts, fake squids, feathers and tinsel rigs may look good in the store but they catch more fishermen then fish. Stay basic and work your rod and your chances are much better. If your lazy and just hold your rod still the whole trip, buy live kellies at the bait store and that may help you. Believe me I want you to catch fish, but I wont force you to. The weather forecast for tomorrow is ? I only look at the marine forecast now and the winds are favorable and I know people are coming down so we are going fishing. I will see you soon, Capt. Rob
Steve with his limit. Simple rig and Gulp

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