Wednesday, May 9, 2018


We had a nice bunch of people on the boat today. We left in dense fog and started searching .I had some of my good fishermen on the boat and I knew if it was like yesterday we would have had a good day.To make a long day and a long story short it was pretty miserable out there. We did see fish on the fish finder at times but not like yesterday. I did see the boats that were trolling catching some, and right next to us at times but that was about it. I stuck to the shads all day hoping for that one good drift that would make the day but it didn't happen, We had one keeper one short and lost one. Its been a crazy spring so far and I never know what's  going to happen out there day to day. All I can do is do my best.  Thanks to those who fished with us today. I really tried for you, believe me I want to catch fish as much as you do. We will be back a t it tomorrow. See you soon, Capt. Rob
Montana Mike with the lone keeper 

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